Nevertheless, we all have to march on no matter how weirded out we are. That's when I thought to myself if I knew the lyrics to Baby Bash's "Suga, Suga." Of course everyone knows the chorus, but do they know any of the lyrics?
The song in question was never that big. As I stopped listening to hip hop somewhere around 2002, I totally missed out on this song when it came out in 2003. Admittedly I only know the song because of AOL Profiles.
Around that time AOL Profiles expanded their template profile system to a full fledged "do whatever you want" blank HTML page. Many of my friends were throwing up pictures galore as well as embedded music. There was a certain young lady who's profile we'd all troll. That's where I first heard "Suga, Suga." All the fellas from a certain online community would pass around links to her profile like they were passing a cold. She was quite the stunning young lady. She was "the bees knees" as the young kids would say. Sadly, all I can remember about her now is that stupid song. Such a shame.
AOL Profiles were awesome back then. This was back when social networking was in the early stages of being centralized down to one or two websites. This was back when AOL Profiles, Yahoo Profiles, and even MSN had their own thing going on, not to mention the dawn of The Myspace, and the very beginning stages of what was to become Facebook. This was back when Blackplanet.com ruled the world, and us guys would go on there to find dates.
The good ol' days.
If you had AOL (which most people did), you were in. I remember coming home from work and running to my computer, signing on, and jumping into AOL's elaborate and extensive chat rooms. Then we'd troll the chat room and right click on everyone's name and look for hot girls. To be honest I found a couple of dates on there. They never really materialized into anything, but it was fun nonetheless. Never do we stop to thing, gee, the internet sure was crappy back then!
They were a lot more fun that earlier attempts to get us to socialize via the internets. Raise your hand if you had a WBS page or even a homestead.com profile. Freshman year of college and we all had Homestead pages. We'd pass notes around telling each other "check out my homestead page." From there we'd marvel at the miniscule speck of HTML the person knew, and how many stolen pics of hot models they could hotlink off of other websites. That library internet was our portal into netherworld, where I'd wake up on Monday morning after WWF Pay-per-views with my friends and we'd all hit up the library and read the results on WWF.com.
Those are days I really wish wouldn't come back. The nostalgic person in me reminisces on a lot of things, but those early internet days are not one of them. Slow, crappy internet, that dial up modem sound, and having to look at pictures of hot models materialize veeeeeeery slowly. Oh, and don't forget the random boot. (goodbye)
Whenever I hear "Suga, Suga" I think of those AOL days. But yeah, you can keep them.
PS: Hector Guerrero, you're creeping people out, dude. STOP IT!