It has also enabled us to do wholesome things like make payphones obsolete, not having to fumble through your cds in order to find that one song that you have to listen to at that right, exact moment. It even allows me the to be able to program my coffee machine to brew my java whenever I want it to!
In my younger years, I did everything to shun modern technology. I scoffed when my high school got the internet on their computers. I guffawed at the mere mention of a cellular telephone. However, when I first started to notice I was getting old, I decided to embrace change. I no longer scowled at the kids who preferred a word processor to good ol' fashion writing with a pen and paper! I fell in love with spell check, thus ending a 19 year marriage to scratch marks, editing notes, and strike through lines. I was happenin' baby!
During the Summer of 2001, I went to Sears and picked up a dvd player. They were fairly new at the time, and this thing cost me a pretty penny. Here it is in 2006, getting ready for the rocking chair.
And then there was the case of the iPod and my immense cd collection. For years I carried away a bulky walkman with a carrying case I paid twenty dollars for. It was big, it hung around your neck, and because it was leather it would make your neck sweat like none other. Yes, something had to be done. I had been growing the collection since maybe 1993, when I got my hands on a Boys in the hood cd soundtrack at a yard sale for 3 dollars American. That along with copies of Poor Righteous Teachers, Gang Starr, and Smoothe Tha Hustla, started something special. By 2003, things began to get out of hand.

Once again, time and technological advances stick their grubby hands in our poor wittle defenseless pockets. Yes, Virginia, there is a reason to shell out 249 American dollars.

Continued in part II...
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